Class Workbook
Now Patreon donors can get the most out of the Witchcraft Classes with the Class Workbooks. Follow along with the videos and get the most out of each class. The workbooks really helps you analyze your life and magical abilities so you can grow as much as possible with each class. You must be a paying student (Patreon donor) to download the workbook.
Printable PDF for $1 DonorsThis is a printable PDF. For Silver and Gold students ($1 and $2 donors). Print out the PDF and do all your work with a pen and paper.
Fully Interactive PDF for $5 DonorsThis is a fully interactive PDF for my Platinum students ($5 donors). Do all your classwork and homework on your computer by selecting drop-down lists and typing directly into forms. Tab through all the questions and exercises. You can edit your work as many times as you like.
Watch ALL The Classes
The Pentacle and Pentagram - Witch School Class 1
How to Help Your Spells Manifest, Be Silent - Witch School Class 2
How to Make Your Spells Stronger, To Know-Witch School Class 3
Be a Brave Witch, To Dare - Witch School Class 4
Suggested reading material for Class 4. Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill
Book |
Audiobook |
How to Manifest What You Want, To Will - Witch School Class 5
Suggested reading material for Class 5. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
Book |
Audiobook |
Oprah Tells How She Used The Secret |
Watch the First 20 Minutes on YouTube |
Finding Enlightenment Through Witchcraft. To Go – Witch School Class 6
Working With The Four Elements – Witch School Class 7
Download the Workbook for Classes 1 to 7. The links will NOT work unless you are a Patreon donor.
Spell Planning – Witch School Class 8
Download the Workbook for Class 8. The links will NOT work unless you are a Patreon donor.
How Your Subconscious Affects Your Magic - Witch School Class 9
Click the link below to order a child's diary and rewrite your past.
Download the Workbook for Class 9. The links will NOT work unless you are a Patreon donor.
Astrological Spell Planning - Witch School Class 10
Download the Workbook for Class 10. The links will NOT work unless you are a Patreon donor.
How Your Subconscious Affects Your Love Spells - Witch School Class 11
Download the Workbook for Class 11. The links will NOT work unless you are a Patreon donor.
Further Reading
Remember to question everything you read. There is no book written about Witchcraft that is going to please everyone or be 100% accurate.
Question Magical Advice
Many Pagan writers base their books off of their own magical experiences. I once read that if a spell is cast correctly during a new moon phase, it should manifest by the following full moon. Some of my spells have taken up to a year and a half to manifest. Magic works differently for everyone.
Question Historical Information
Rather than researching a historian’s work, many Pagan writers base the historical information in their own books off of other Pagan writer’s work. Statements about what caused the witch trials, how many people were executed during the trials and why ancient Rome converted to Christianity are often bias and inaccurate. Keep that in mind when reading books written by Pagan and Wiccan writers.
Question Magical Advice
Many Pagan writers base their books off of their own magical experiences. I once read that if a spell is cast correctly during a new moon phase, it should manifest by the following full moon. Some of my spells have taken up to a year and a half to manifest. Magic works differently for everyone.
Question Historical Information
Rather than researching a historian’s work, many Pagan writers base the historical information in their own books off of other Pagan writer’s work. Statements about what caused the witch trials, how many people were executed during the trials and why ancient Rome converted to Christianity are often bias and inaccurate. Keep that in mind when reading books written by Pagan and Wiccan writers.
Books Suggestions for Beginners
Teen Witch by Silver RavenWolf
This book is for a very young student who wants to learn. This book explains the basics of Witchcraft while offering spells teenagers will find helpful. This handbook presents everything from the Wiccan principles of belief, traditions, symbols, holidays and rituals, to spells for homework and dating.
To Ride A Silver Broomstick: New Generation Witchcraft by Silver RavenWolf
I know a lot of people have issues with Silver RavenWolf’s work. Some people feel she discriminates against other religions. She has also been criticized for the historical inaccuracies in her writing about the history of Paganism and about the witch trials.
I suggest this book only as a practical magic reference guide for beginners. It covers the basics of working with magical tools, celebrating the eight sabbats, working with moon phases, setting up an altar and starting a book of shadows. It is a quick and easy reference for young people who want a beginner’s guide to the basics of spell-casting.
I would not recommend it for anybody who wants to study the history of witchcraft or paganism.
I suggest this book only as a practical magic reference guide for beginners. It covers the basics of working with magical tools, celebrating the eight sabbats, working with moon phases, setting up an altar and starting a book of shadows. It is a quick and easy reference for young people who want a beginner’s guide to the basics of spell-casting.
I would not recommend it for anybody who wants to study the history of witchcraft or paganism.
Books Suggestions for People With Some Experience
Power of the Witch by Laurie Cabot and Tom Cowan
I read this book for the first time when I was 16 years old. I found it very confusing, I would not recommend it for a teenager or a young adult with no prior understanding of Paganism. I got a lot more out of it when I read it as an adult Witch.
My husband's review of this book
Adam Berk rated it 4 out of 5 stars.
This was an enjoyable and clearly-written book about the history, theory and practice of modern witchcraft. I found her meditation exercises including her crystal countdown to be quite effective and continue using them to this day. Her history, however, while probably a fairly accurate depiction of the Witch's place in society, has no citations to back it up. Still, Cabot's accounts of her own ideas and experiences as a witch was and is a major contribution to the American Neo-Pagan and Wiccan movements, and is definitely recommended reading for anyone interested in studying the craft of the wise.
My husband's review of this book
Adam Berk rated it 4 out of 5 stars.
This was an enjoyable and clearly-written book about the history, theory and practice of modern witchcraft. I found her meditation exercises including her crystal countdown to be quite effective and continue using them to this day. Her history, however, while probably a fairly accurate depiction of the Witch's place in society, has no citations to back it up. Still, Cabot's accounts of her own ideas and experiences as a witch was and is a major contribution to the American Neo-Pagan and Wiccan movements, and is definitely recommended reading for anyone interested in studying the craft of the wise.
Books Suggestions for Advanced Witches
Advanced Witchcraft by Edain McCoy
In the beginning everything is fresh and new. Learning how to cast a circle, work magic, compile a Book of Shadows, and honor the God and Goddess on esbats and sabbats can be exhilarating. But once you've mastered the basics of Witchcraft comes the real challenge of living your faith every moment of every day. Living as a Witch is knowing that you are the magic.
Advanced Witchcraft doesn't contain any “Wicca 101” information―it assumes that you're already familiar with the nuts and bolts of the Craft. Instead, this book challenges you to think critically about your beliefs and practices, what they mean to you, how they've changed, and where you're going. Along the way you'll also learn many techniques for intermediate and advanced Witches, including:
Meeting your shadow
Advanced warding and psychic self-defense
Power animals, familiars, and shapeshifters
Working the labyrinth and the maze
Advanced tree spirituality
Advanced augury and divination
Magic and ritual using the fine arts of storytelling, dance, music, art, and drama
Spirits and lost souls
Banishing and closing portals
The healing arts
Advanced Witchcraft doesn't contain any “Wicca 101” information―it assumes that you're already familiar with the nuts and bolts of the Craft. Instead, this book challenges you to think critically about your beliefs and practices, what they mean to you, how they've changed, and where you're going. Along the way you'll also learn many techniques for intermediate and advanced Witches, including:
Meeting your shadow
Advanced warding and psychic self-defense
Power animals, familiars, and shapeshifters
Working the labyrinth and the maze
Advanced tree spirituality
Advanced augury and divination
Magic and ritual using the fine arts of storytelling, dance, music, art, and drama
Spirits and lost souls
Banishing and closing portals
The healing arts
Things most Pagans/Wiccans/Witches don’t want to hear.
- I’ve listened to dozens of people who identify themselves as a Pagan, Wiccan or a Witch, get furious over the Burning Times because they think thousands of their OWN PEOPLE died. Most of the people executed in the witch trials in Europe and the United States were Christians, not Pagans. If anyone was worshiping ancient Pagan gods or practicing a religion close to our modern day version of Wicca, they were doing it in secret and we have almost no written evidence of Pagan communities existing at that time. The vast majority of the population was Christian and the vast majority of people tortured and executed during the witch trials were also Christian. Accused Witches were believed to worship the devil. Witches were not convicted for worshipping Zeus, Aphrodite, Isis or Hecate. People were not arrested for practicing a religion close to modern day Wicca. The Burning Times were not an assault on ancient or modern Paganism. If you get upset over the Burning Times, be upset because thousands of human beings died.
- If you have an ancestor who was executed in the Salem Witch trials it doesn’t mean you are a hereditary Witch. The colonies had little to no interaction with each other. There was no free exchange of ideas in Puritan Massachusetts. People like Anne Hutchinson who disagreed with Puritans, had to flee to Rhode Island. Some of the slaves in Puritan Massachusetts may have been practicing some of their own African magical traditions. But none of the European Puritan colonist were Witches or Wiccans practicing anything close to our modern version of Goddess and nature worshiping Witchcraft. I’ve met at least 50 different people in Salem who claim to be descendants of Rebecca Nurse. Even if it’s true, it doesn’t make them magically powerful, special or even remotely interesting.
- The people who died in the Salem Witch Trials are NOT Pagan martyrs. During the Salem Witch Trials and in most of the witch trials in Europe, the vast majority of people accused were guilty until proven innocent. The Salem Witch Trials greatly affected the way the legal system in the United States is structured. All criminals now have the right to an attorney and spectral evidence is no longer allowed in court. Suspects are now considered innocent until proven guilty. Well, let’s be honest, Caucasian suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty.
- Be grateful for how the events of The Salem Witch Trials shaped our modern justice system, but if you are a Pagan, Wiccan or Witch, and you are happy about your modern religious freedoms, there is no need to thank the Puritans who were executed during the Salem Witch Trials. They were NOT Pagans and did not die for your religious freedoms.